
There are a few guides and how-to for all users. And, of course, the safety guides as well for overall experience while you’re using this platform. Otherwise, this platform is free for everyone, never asking for identity verification of any users and also do not require users to register whatsoever.

For Those Who Offering Helps

First step? Completely fill out your details for rider profile!

We only asking a few important details for carpooling, such from where you will start and to where is you destination. Also your commute timing range, passenger preferences, and a few more information that we think is needed.

Don’t have a profile yet? Submit here.

For Those Who trying to find a ride

Browse all available rider on Listings. You could use the filter to choose those in the location you set.

Please be mindful and do not abuse the contact information of each riders on the listing. When you decide to contact any of them, please be mention you get their contact from this website, or might be mention their ride number profile, e.g. Ride 0001. Rider will register the number and recognized it straight away.

safety tips

Your safety is important. Take it seriously. We do.

Always review rider profiles and passenger preferences carefully.

Trust you instincts. The same goes to rider as well.

Always have a backup plan. Let you family or friends informed when you decide to carpool with any rider. Let them know your whereabout. Send the details of rider to your family members or friends.

Communicate. Get to know potential passenger or rider.

If you feel uncomfortable for any reason with your rider or passenger, address the situation politely and directly to see if you can find resolution.

Need assistance? Reach out to us by phone +601110229081 or email